The Turnover

A 4 week guide designed to educate and transform your relationship with food, promoting your journey to a more balanced, fulfilled, healthier version of you.

Available in Vegan & Non-Vegan

£34.99 for a limited time only
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What’s inside


4 Week Meal Plan

Suitable for Vegans & Non-Vegans


Grocery Lists

All ingredients and measurements


Nutrition Basics

How to use food to optimise your body


4 Week Workout Plan

Suitable for ALL ages & fitness levels


Mindset Guides

Get rid of those negative habits


A Guide to Whole Foods

And how to introduce them into your lifestyle

About Daniella

Hi! I’m Daniella and my journey with food started from a very young age. My family is Greek, and Greek’s love food! My mom always had us in the kitchen helping her prepare food, which I am forever grateful for. It’s always been a passion of mine.

To cut a long story short, I went from studying to be a chef, to taking a Fitness training course, to then getting certified in Nutrition Coaching. I’ve always eaten whatever I wanted, and I tried a few fad diets here and there…  but as I’ve gotten older and gained more knowledge, I have slowly begun to understand the importance of healthy, intuitive eating, moving our bodies, and changing our mindset.

I don’t believe in restricting. I don’t believe in having to be perfect. Life happens. But I do believe in trying to be healthy as possible most of the time and making small changes every day, which I refer to as 80/20 living (so eating nutritious foods and actively moving your body 80 percent of the time, and then being a bit more relaxed about what you eat and do 20 percent of the time). Its not literal. But you get my just.  It feels more intuitive. I don’t want to tell you what eat, instead guide you along the way.

This platform allows me to educate, motivate and inspire you to live a healthy sustainable lifestyle and I am so excited to experience this journey together. Healthy living doesn’t need to be complicated. I want you to get people back into the kitchen and cooking food from scratch so they can experience the benefits. You will love and appreciate it so much more. Its all about us working together and finding what works for you. My job is to help set attainable goals to drive behaviour change and improve your health and lifestyle habits.
